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Escaping the Beasts (The Hybrid Trilogy Book 2) Page 3

  "I'm going to make you scream, lass," he promised darkly.

  And I believed it entirely. And I couldn't think of much else. Not with him, so hot and thick filling me to the hilt, pounding into me. Already, I felt my body flying on the edge, teetering on a tightrope.

  I hated him. I wanted him. And I hated myself for the desires coursing through my every nerve. He thrust into me as if it were my punishment.

  "Scream, princess." He breathed heavily, tugging at my hair harder, pulling me up so my back hit his chest. "Tell me how much you hate me," he whispered in my ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and tugging.

  His movements weren't gentle but rough against me, hands pressing hard enough to bruise, only fueling my flames higher and higher.

  "I hate you," I gasped.

  "No, you don't." He thrust. Harsh. Violent. And I loved every bit of it. Akir pressed a kiss to my neck and whispered the words that sent me spiraling down into open air, "But you wish you did."

  I screamed, banging my head against his chest. My cries seemed to shatter him as well. He went faster against me, faster until he grunted and came inside of me.

  We fell into the aftermath of what we'd just done. Harsh and ragged breathing mingled into a song that I wasn't familiar with. My whole body hummed with the pleasure of my release. And Akir was still hard inside me.

  "I do hate you, you know," I muttered breathlessly. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of anything.

  A rumble of laughter vibrated down my back. "Give me a bit, lass, and I'll change your mind again." He tossed aside my hair to bare the back of my neck. I shivered when his beard scraped against my skin and the hot wet trail of his tongue followed. The action ignited me all over again.

  "Don't," I pleaded, even as his hand went to the front of me to grope my breast, I placed my palm over his hand to urge him on.

  "Don't what?" His fingers found the zipper there and pulled down, letting my breasts fall free from their restrictions. His hand was there, kneading me, pinching my nipples so that I arched and gasped. He relished in the sounds of my cries, smiling against my skin as his hands torturously moved over me. "I told you I'd change your mind."

  His other hand slid down my stomach and lower still. I moaned when his fingers went to my clit. To torture me. To make me ache for more. He moved his hips, his dick hot and slick inside of me. With each thrust, he played, squeezing my nipples, teasing my clit. The wait was agonizing. Needing the release was painful.

  "Bastard," I cursed him. He was doing it on purpose. He was sending hot sensations, heightening every sense and nerve slowly. He wanted me to suffer.

  "Beg me, lass," he demanded, slowing his movements, leaving me panting...wanting. His lips were on the back of my neck. "Beg me to fuck you over this table again."

  I groaned at the words. At the threat in them. At the promise that I so wanted fulfilled. "Go to hell," I rasped.

  "Oh, I'll go there all right." He thrust once, twice. I gasped. So close, So terribly close. "But I'm taking you with me." He stilled and I cried out. "Now beg me."

  I didn't want to beg. With Kael and River I never begged. I took and they gave. But Akir wasn't either of these men. He was more dangerous. More demanding. More in control. He took the reins from me only to drive us over the edge of a cliff. He was wild and untamed and in these few glimpses I'd gotten of it-of him-I found I never wanted to let him go.

  "Akir," I rasped. He bent me over the table again. I didn't think I could sit at one ever again without thinking of him. His thumb swirled over my clit and I cried out. "Please," I nearly sobbed at the torture. I wanted him. Damn it all, I wanted him.

  "Yes, lass?" He asked, almost absentmindedly.

  To hell with my pride."Please, Akir, fuck me now."

  I could feel his triumph crash down on me in a terrifying wave but I didn't think about it. Not when he began thrusting hard and fast inside me. His fingers teased and moved against me. And I lost every coherent thought in my bliss of euphoria. My body tightened, just before Akir took me over that edge once more.

  My cries were unmuffled and echoed throughout the room. Akir's soon followed then faded until the only sound was that of our breathing.

  Akir pulled out of me. There was a terrible ache between my legs that had everything to do with wanting him nestled there once more. I heard him fastening his jeans behind me so I straightened and pulled my pants up, securing them in place once more.

  I turned to face him, forgetting that my leather vest had also been undone. "Let me," Akir's fingers were suddenly there, zipping it up. The curves of my breasts swelled at the top and his fingers stopped there. His eyes were flaring as he took them in, as if he hadn't had the time to truly appreciate them earlier.

  "Are you done staring at me?"

  He looked up at me and smirked. "I'll never be done with you."

  My cheeks heated at the words. So much for proving strong. I started to turn my face from him but he gripped me tightly at the chin, pulling me back to stare up at him. His eyes flashed darkly.

  "Don't ever turn from me, Keanna."

  I swatted his hand away impatiently. "You're not my keeper," I snapped. "I do what I want."

  He smiled. "There's the fire that I love. Now," he turned so abruptly, my mind barely registered what he'd said, "are you ready to meet your kingdom?"

  Chapter Four

  My kingdom.

  The Ruined City.

  It was entirely more impressive at night than in the day. And itwas much more alive.

  The Ruined City danced to the beat of its own savage drum. The streets, though dead and crumbling, breathed with life. The electric lights were dimmed so that the world shrouded in darkness. The only illumination was a blinking distraction of colors in yellows, blues and purples.

  "Strobe lights." Akir offered from beside me as we made our way to the town center. To the heart of the party.

  I glared at him. "I knew that." I hadn't known that. He chuckled at my prideful response and kept walking. I'd feel the occasional touch of his hand on the small of my back but other than that, he kept distance between us.

  Surrounding the both of us were what I assumed his personal guards, including Helga-who had changed into a tight leather skirt and bra. The other woman took one look at me and smiled a knowing smile that I had to quickly look away from.

  Before we'd left his room, I'd demanded a weapon. What had happened between us in no way warranted trust. And I definitely didn't trust him or his city-yet.

  Akir didn't argue. He merely went to his wall of weaponry and pulled down a handgun and a knife and a leather strap.

  He walked over to me and bent to his knees. His big hands went to my thigh, circling it. I watched his movements in fascination and with a dry throat. He worked with such precision and sensuality, I immediately felt the effects of it between my legs. He worked one strap around my thigh then another, connecting a detachable leg holster to the hooks. Then he placed the gun and dagger in it, securing them in place.

  The gun bounced against my thigh now. It wasn't a bow and arrow like I was accustomed to, but I trusted my aim. And if all else failed, a dagger would have to do.

  We arrived at the heart of the city.

  Here, the music was loud and vibrated against my skin. I looked around. People were everywhere. People in bright colors and leather. People with tattoos and piercings and dreads. They danced around an enormous bonfire, thrusting their bodies in some strange parody of making love.

  It was all fascinating.

  I stared with awe and appreciation at the moving bodies. At the openness in which they flaunted every bit of skin. At the women who appeared almost as savage as Akir, as in control of the men as I'd been with Kael and River.

  At our approach, the music died immediately. Bodies stopped swaying, and everyone turned to look in our direction. I felt thei
r stares like arrows piercing my skin, but I tilted my chin up defiantly. I'd not be cowed by these people.

  Beside me, Akir chuckled, so low only I could hear it and started forward. I followed, not behind, but at his side and anyone who looked at me too long was gifted with my smoldering glare.

  We walked around the bonfire and came in view of a raised stone dais. On top sat two plush cushioned, high backed chairs. Thrones. Surrounding them on the floor were mounds and mounds of pillows.

  Akir walked straight towards the thrones and stood before one of them, turning back to look down at me.

  I froze at the bottom, my throat hot and tight. Akir gestured to the throne at his side. I swallowed and walked up to it. It looked massive up close. And frightening. I turned and looked out at the crowd. At the people of the Ruined City looking up at us. At me.

  "Welcome to your kingdom," Akir said darkly.

  All together, the people bowed to us.

  Akir sat down and I followed his lead. All at once, the life was breathed back into the city. Music resumed its earlier beat, bodies stood up to dance again and even the cackling fire sounded louder than before.

  "You see what my people have to offer now, lass?" Akir drawled. I turned to look at him. His elbow was on the arm of the throne, chin propped on his hand leisurely. His gaze was humorous, his smile wide.

  "Dancing and parties?" I asked, slightly skeptical.

  He shook his head. "Power," he whispered. I felt the word curl around me enticingly. "And freedom."


  The one place I'd been convinced would steal my freedom away from me entirely was the one thing Akir was offering me like a boon. A cat, dangling a scrap of cheese in front of a starving mouse. And I was taking the bait. Thirsty for it.

  "I'm a princess," I reminded him softly. "Princesses don't have freedom."

  He reached a hand out to push aside a stray curl from my cheek before quickly pulling away. He raised an eyebrow. "I am a King," he said. "And royalty can do whatever the fuck they want."

  I blinked at his words, as if that could push aside the rush of excitement that thrummed through me at the prospect. But then I pierced him with a hard look.

  "King?" I asked.

  His expression shuttered. The humor and arrogance disappearing from it caused a bad feeling to curl around me.

  "You aren't the only one who lost someone, lass."

  My hands tightened against the arm of the chair. I knew that the Murtaugh children were without a mother. He'd been only a child when his mother had died giving birth to her third son. Surely he didn't even remember her now?

  "Your father?" I asked quietly.

  He nodded. "After the engagement was announced, he went missing." His expression was all hard lines.

  And I understood his loss too well. I reached across the space between us to hold his hand. He appeared startled by the gesture but didn't pull away.

  "What happened?"

  "The same thing that happened to your mother." I tensed and he threaded his fingers through mine to keep me in place. "He disappeared without a trace. The only evidence left behind were the markings of tire tracks."

  My mind whirled at this new information. Another royal taken under mysterious circumstances. It couldn't be a coincidence.

  The question was, why?

  "So you see now, lass? We need each other." His words seemed to hold a double meaning that curled sensually around me. I shivered and pulled my hand away from his. "Tonight, don't worry about it, my queen," he whispered. "Tonight, we dance and revel. Tomorrow, we'll need the huntress. For now, enjoy your freedom."

  I sat back in the throne, looking out at the people. At the people that would be mine. Queen, he'd called me. But I wasn't his queen. Not yet, anyway. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be. I'd come to him because I thought his people had taken my mother, only to show up and realize that his father had been taken, too. But Akir's father had been missing formonths. My mother only for a few days. The circumstances were similar, but our homes were too far apart. What was going on? I needed to find out.

  "Drink, my queen." Akir's voice brought me back to reality. To the party. The music. Right. Tonight, I'd dance and revel. Tomorrow, I'd worry.

  I took the goblet he was offering me, frowning at him as I did so. "I'm not your queen," I clarified, bringing the cup to my nose and sniffing. Strong stuff.

  Akir raised an eyebrow at me. "I'll not call you that if you don't wish."

  "I don't." Because I wasn't sure if I wanted to be.

  "Fine." He held his cup up as if giving a toast and took a long swallow. I watched the workings of his throat, watched as the liquid dripped from the corners of his mouth. I had the sudden urge to lap it up with my tongue. But he brought the cup back down and handed it to a server I hadn't noticed before.

  "So, where are Kael, River and Lex?" I asked casually, swirling my finger around the rim of the cup.

  I hadn't thought much about them since arriving. In fact, I hadn't thought about them at all. I'd been too busy worrying over my mother and being ravished over a table that I hadn't even bothered to worry about them. Guilt should have shamed my cheeks but another part of me screamed that they were big boys. They could take care of themselves. But I had dragged them all into this. The least I could do would be inquire about their well being.

  "Your boys are alive and well." He practically sneered the wordboys. I cast him a glare that he ignored and turned to one of his personal guards, who were all lounging about on the pillows beneath the thrones. The guard nodded and left. "What do you see in him, I wonder?" Akir drawled on lazily when he turned back to me.

  "In who?" I dared to ask.

  "In Alexander O'Reilly," he smiled cruelly. "Even I could see the appeal in the dark, handsome one: Kael Lycan. Intelligent, soft spoken, older gentleman, a healer. Your own personal doormat, I suppose. With River McCoy, you have history. A childhood shared, someone who would sacrifice it all for you. But I cannot seem to wrap my mind around Lex's appeal."

  I tightened my hand around the cup, glaring at him. At the harsh words he spoke of them. "I see you've done your research on them quite extensively." I tried not to let my anger bleed through my words, instead opting for a too sweet tone.

  "I've made it my business to know all about the doormats you ally yourself with." He gave me an innocent sort of smile that threatened to send me over the edge.

  "They're not doormats," I hissed, losing the facade.

  "Of course not. But I bet you like having control over them." He gave me a knowing look that sent my blood into a boiling rage.

  I stood from the throne. I couldn't help what I did next. The angry impulse drove me to dump the contents of my cup all over him.

  Akir gave a startled cry and stood from his own seat, bumping into me. I nearly lost my footing but he gripped my elbow, pulling me against his hard, wet chest.

  "Let go of me, you bastard." I yanked my arm away but his grip was like solid iron. And his face was terrifying fury.

  His grin was a wild thing on his face as he pulled me forward, holding me in place by the back of my neck. Even as I struggled against him, my efforts were futile. He didn't budge. "I told you, lass," he bent down to my level. I smelt the alcohol on him, could probably taste the very essence of it if I stuck my tongue out. "I told you I wouldn't be gentle." That was all the warning I got before his lips crashed against mine, tongue forcing my locked lips open for easier access to my mouth. I groaned, my hands moving to his naked chest to dig my nails into his skin. He didn't move.

  His tongue and teeth were rough against my own. Nipping, taking in unforgiving movements. My nails on his skin only seemed to fuel him, caused him to kiss deeper, harder. I wanted to hate it. I wanted to hatehim. But he had a mysterious magic that made me forget everything but the feeling between my legs. Right now there was no party. There was no mu
sic. There weren't even people watching us. In that moment, it was just me and Akir, our tongues battling in anger. Our mouths fighting violently. He was punishing me. And I, I was a masochist.

  "Get your hands off her!"

  I barely registered the voice, the words. How could I when Akir's mouth was on mine? When his fingers were slowly zipping down my vest. All I knew was that one moment he was pressed against me and the next, I was being hauled backwards and away from where I desperately wanted to be.

  I was pulled down the dais by strong, familiar arms and held in a tight grip, forced to look up as Lex stepped between me and Akir.

  Akir's face, the earlier passion, challenge and danger in his expression had been completely wiped away. It was replaced instead with a sort of quiet anger. And that made me fear for Lex's life. Not the guns of the guards that were suddenly all aimed at his head, but the murderous look in Akir's eyes.

  "Stay away from her." Lex demanded in a voice angrier than I'd ever heard coming from him.

  Akir crossed his arms over his chest, seemingly unthreatened by the skinny boy in front of him. He just raised a brow, his lip quirked into a half-smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Or what, little boy?"

  Every guard cocked their guns at the same time, the noise made louder by the now lack of music. Everybody had stopped to stare at the scene.

  I could hear Lex gulp from here.

  "Oy!" I called out from below. "World's biggest idiot! I suggest you shut your mouth now." I turned to look up at River, who was still holding me locked in place. I glared at him. "And you had better let me go before you regret it."

  He hesitated, eyes darting every direction to assess the dangers but finally released his hold on me. I walked up the dais and grabbed Lex by the back of his collar and pulled him down. He made a choking noise that I ignored. Instead, I looked at Akir and his still hardened gaze.

  "Don't mind him," I waved off their guns. "I'll talk to him and put him in his place."

  "I don't-" I shot Lex a death glare as he started to interrupt. He clamped his mouth shut again.